Sunday, July 02, 2006


I truly do NOT think the NYTimes/WSJ article was that big of a deal. What do the terrorists actually find out, anyway? That we're following money? Duh. The biggest problem the article presents is that principles of the institutions involved will probably get pressure from fellow Beautiful People to not help the U.S. We'll see if that happens.

But Holy Moly. To be, even in the slightest, on the side of these anti-American morons in the press. I just can barely stand it.

Take Meet the Press today. Their idea of balance: 3 against Bill Bennet. Note that William Safire is on the side of the liberal journalists.

This RIDICULOUS assertion on the part of the reporters that there is a "Wall of Separation" between news side and opinion staff. That makes me laugh out loud. First, in another attempt to suggest that the press is above the law, the reporters now adopt of facetious language of the pseudo-constitution, to wit: Wall of Separation. I hope no one is fooled by that crap.

And, second, the newside and opinion side staff are exactly the same.

There usually is a literal wall of some sort between the reporters and the opinion staff. They are in a different rooms. But both staffs are exactly the same. The opinion staff on the New York Times is made up of liberal reporters and editors who all went to the right prep school and university. Remember that these people are all cut from exactly the same elite cloth. To take one high profile example: It wasn't Anderson Cooper's work in small markets all across the country that somehow got him a show on CNN. His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt.

The WSJ has some longtime conservative opinion staffers, Robert Bartlett comes to mind -- a man who has resisted socialism for 40 years. But that is changing. The conservative base at the WSJ is dying out and retiring and what you have left are the socialist reporters and editors who make up the WSJ staff. I know two of them personally and I can guarantee you they will pause to think if you ask them if they believe in private ownership of property. They will pause because they think THEY should own property, they just don't think regular people should. Seriously. They don't think people have enough taste to own property. Seriously.


Blogger Joubert said...

"...if you ask them if they believe in private ownership of property. They will pause because they think THEY should own property, they just don't think regular people should. Seriously. They don't think people have enough taste to own property. Seriously."

I think you just defined what makes US Michael Moore-type commies different from Euro commies. And sadly, the WSJ is going left.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Enlightened, they are. (another one of my famous Yoda impressions)

If I could find the link I would add it here so you could go to the story of that guy in prison who woke up with a 42 watt bulb up his .......refuse orifice. I've been waiting to see his by-line in the NY Times.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Joe said...


10:23 AM  

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