Thursday, February 15, 2007

Third day of snow jail: Lo! A Christian with a snow blower

We had enough of everything but freedom. Then, from the east, TJ, a good Christian man bearing a snow blower, came over and blew the entire 1/4 acre driveway clear. Onward Christian snowblowers!

But I still can't leave. Mark had to take my car to work because his wouldn't cooperate. That leaves me with the pickup. I don't drive the pickup. If this keeps up, I'm going to go Howard Hughes and start keeping my finger nail clippings in bottles and such. The walls... the walls... they close in.

And, oh heavens, it is now snowing again.


Blogger Gayle said...

"The walls... the walls... they close in. And, oh heavens, it is now snowing again." You're a poet! :)

It's all caused by global warming, you know! I just read on someone else's blog (can't remember whose) that a Global Warming conference was canceled because of an Ice Storm. LOL! Is that poetic justice or not?

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've had snow and sleet off and on all month here in West Tennessee, which is not normal. Our temp this morning 14 degrees. I can't take it much longer.

We live on a hill by the Tennessee River and I don't like driving on slick roads that look like a roller coaster.

Summer where are you? And this is global warming???

10:05 AM  

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