I was really hoping to find out what Patrick Joubert, a native South African, thought about the goings on with the funeral for Mandela. He's at Born Again Redneck
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hi! I'm Woods Walker and below is my Meez. I wish I looked like this!

Win $125,000 by proving that humans are causing Global Warming!
Kevin Willis
- Pentecostal Songs. Life in Indiana in the 1930s and 1940s.
- June Bug
- Contrary goddess: Mountains with a petticoat
- Anglophile Football Fanatic
- Fish2. Wise dude.
- Catholic Rants from Moscow
- Parkway Reststop
- Jamie, Cla, and Benjamin
- Born Again Redneck. One smart fella.
- Chas Blogspot. He Reads everything.
- The White Trash Republic will make you laugh.
- My Republican Blog. Always interesting.
- Waiterrant - Not as liberal as you might think
- Hoosier Boy
- Win $125,000 by proving that humans are causing Global Warming!
- Aussie Andrew Bolt
- The dust will wait - sweet, inspirational, likeable
- Conservative UAW guy
See not all of you are like...well... you. :-) Love you guys, though!
- The City Birder. Great photos of birds and insects, plus descriptions of birding opportunities. Very interesting if you like to watch the wildlife.
Blogs I love to read
Info Pool
Previous Posts
- I was really hoping to find out what Patrick Joube...
- The T4 wars, Part 8: My second year of thyroid ill...
- The T4 Wars: Experimenting - Part 7
- The T4 wars - Part 6 - Words mean nothing
- The T4 wars - Part 5 - How are you feeling?
- The T4 wars - Part 4 - Standard (and cruel) therapy
- The T4 wars - Part 3 - You will die
- The T4 wars - Part 2 - The cruel TSH test
- The T4 wars - Part 1 - Total Thyroidectomy
- OBAMA'S top priority is not jobs
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
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- February 2011
- October 2011
- December 2013