Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pacifists are inherently pro-fascist

Here is Kevin Willis' brilliant take on Quakers, socialism and the inherently violent nature of pacifism:

Walker writes: Quakers have always accepted injustice, slavery, and oppression and, indeed, today they actually advocate full scale socialism.

And it's worth noting that socialism is, functionally, institutionalized injustice--because in the utopian vision of socialism, the ends always justifies the means. And that isn't just because the socialist/communist state simply hasn't been done "right" yet: it has been done exactly right, because the institutionalization of injustice and inhumanity that we've seen in the Soviet Union, Vietnam, North Korea, China, Cuba, and see even now in Latin America is an inherent, indispensable part of socialism in practice. Just as economic inequality is inherent in capitalism and the free market, and bad leadership and nepotism will be inherent flaws in democracies, so political prisoners and wholesale slaughter--in addition to general political oppression and mass starvation--are features of socialism in action.

It's always fascinating to me how liberals who can easily see the natural "flaws" inherent to capitalism, the free market, and liberty cannot see that the repeated failures of socialism are natural flaws inherent to that system. But I digress.

The larger point is that Quakers, to the degree they agitate for socialism, are supporting current and unquestionably future oppression and brutality and despotism to that same degree.

They may not themselves raise a hand in violence, they may not themselves pull a trigger, put the generous pat on the back they give themselves for their pacifism is undeserved, as one of the natural consequences of their pacifism and their socialism is that they support and even actively agitate for systems that will not be (or are currently not) controlled or run by Quakers, and will be heartless, brutal, oppressive, violent and--like most socialist states--ban (or have banned) religion and persecute Christians. One might argue that Pontius Pilat and Herod make strange bedfellows for modern-day followers of Christ. But, that's up to them.

I'm entirely tolerant of Quakers, but I do not see them as examples to be followed, Christian or otherwise, and they certainly don't need any big pats of their back for their noble pacfisim. Especially from themselves.

George Orwell described pacifism best when he said: "Pacifists are inherently pro-fascist."

One could just easily say that pacifists are inherently nihlist. When you do not believe there is anything worth fighting for, you do not truly believe there is anything worth living for. You do not truly believe anything has any true worth at all.

So I'm all for the Quakers doing their Quaker thing, just like I'm all for the nihilists doing their nihilism thing. But neither are examples, to me, and neither deserve praise from my vantage point.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Best description of Democrats I ever read!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merry Christmas!

This is a picture of my friend Jacky's granddaughters. Aren't they the cutest little Santa's helpers you ever saw?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Those sweet little Quakers

I'm impressed with how a little oatmeal advertising and some liberal mythology have gone a long way toward forging a good public perception of Quakers. Maybe it is their name, too: Quakers, ooooh sounds so sweet. Friends, awww.

But now, in point of fact, they are today a socialist organization, favoring government activism, over individualism. I'm amazed that, given all the evidence to the contrary, there is still one human being on earth who thinks these massive social programs work.

My ancestor was a Quaker, until he quit, joined the Union army, and actually did something to free the slaves. He laid down his life to fight the slavers. What have the Quakers done lately? One of my correspondents says they have planted trees! Bully.

'Pacifism" is a conceit peculiar to people who are not oppressed and works best with people who aren't actually oppressors. I'm thinking here in particular of Gandhi and the British. Worked well with the well-meaning Brits. Now imagine Idi Amin in charge. Idi would probably have fattened Gandhi up before eating him but Saddam would have used him for target practice.

As Kevin Willis notes in his comments, Christianity has been misused by liberals attempting to portray Christ as a social worker. A liberal friend of mine, who by the way IS a social worker, once told me that the meaning of Christianity is "to serve."

Sorry. That's not it. Christ didn't spend all his time serving. Indeed, He even refused to spend His money on the poor as Judas suggested because He, Christ, knew that you can't buy people out of poverty (something liberals still don't see).

Christ came for one reason: That YOU should find salvation through him. Repent, confess, be saved.

As Kevin Willis points out, Christ did not organize big food programs, or passive resistance campaigns. No, He called the individual to account.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Non-Quaker mottos

A couple posts back I posted these silly-ass Quaker mottos which the wise and wiley Fish commented on. I was thinking conservatives ought to have their own mottos that they force on people in Christmas cards. (Well maybe not. I just can't see us being that rude.) Here are mine:

We seek a world in which evil people pay dearly and instantly for killing the innocent. And that is a threat you can take to the bank.

We seek a society free of the laws and taxes that hamper individual achievement.

We seek a society in which the victims of crime see the guilty suffer just and swift punishment.

We seek an earth filled with Godly men who respect the beauty of human progress and the glory of nature. They are not mutually exclusive.

How would you write our anti-Quaker motto? (Should say "non-Quaker" motto).

Friday, December 08, 2006

Reclining in the arms of the sphinx

My favorite Christmas painting, isn't a Christmas painting, but instead Luc Olivier Merson's rendering of the Holy Family's Flight into Egypt.

I prefer to think that the sphinx in the painting isn't just some small sphinx statue, but the acutal sphinx of the valley of the kings. The enormous sphinx in actual size.

The Mother of God reclines in its arms because she and Her Son are not limited by space and time. They dominate space and time just as she dominates the old order that created the sphinx.

How the libs fight Christmas

Here is an letter I received from a prospective customer from California about my product. The letter has been edited for my privacy:

Your (product) is nice, but its really Christmas-ish, not holiday-ish as poinsettias are pretty much a Christmas symbol. What about those of us (and our clients) who celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Ramadan (or don't celebrate holidays at all)??

(Your) graphics should be snowflakes or something similar.

I took it easy on her since the email had a variety of spelling errors and errors of knowledge (Ramadan is never in December).

"Our actual (customers) access a special holiday (product with graphics) for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and generic winter. Indeed, our holiday (product) can be customized to suit your prejudices (or those of other types of customers)!

Ramadan is generally in September and would not be (among the December graphics).

Merry Christmas to you!"

Woods Walker in real life

Thursday, December 07, 2006

'TIS the season

Christmas card I got the other day:

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.

We seek a society with equity and justice for all.

We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled.

We seek an earth restored.

Now, I know these are a couple of well-meaning, harmless dolts trying to say something profound.

But a couple things puzzle me. Now the first two are just basic horsehockey. No need to state the obvious.

The third is vaguely threatening. Never in the history of the world has any community provided for more fulfillment than the United States of America. And, knowing the origin of the Christmas card in question, I'd say that particular couple prove that any f*king thing is possible in America. So you gotta wonder what the heck they want and what they are willing to do to get it. In other words, there is a vague threat there.

But the fourth item is downright mysterious. Will someone please tell me what in the hell they want the earth restored to? Maybe an earth that existed before those dumbasses came to live on it -- or what?

I googled this crap and found out it is some sort of quaker motto. Too damn bad that Quakers have never stopped slavery, nazism, or oppression of any kind. Too bad they never restored any earth to whatever it was before they got here. Indeed, Quakers have never done a damn thing for mankind. That is left up to people who don't mind threatening you if you take slaves, kill jews, or oppress people.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Merry Christmas!

swearing on the koran

This flap about whether a Muslim congressman should be able to swear on a koran is a loser argument.

The issue is that some Americans have elected a Muslim. That is what should worry us.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Pope's dreadful visit

So the Pope is praying toward Mecca? Unbelievable that the vicar of Christ should kowtow to the city made famous by a two-bit. child molesting, goat herder.